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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - eq


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Перевод с английского языка eq на русский

1) (equal) равный 2) (equalizer) компенсатор; стабилизирующее звено 3) (equation) уравнение 4) (equipment) оборудование; аппаратура; арматура
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См. в других словарях

  Educational Quotient noun образовательный коэффициент ...
Англо-русский словарь
   abbreviation  1. ~ual  2. ~uation ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  A person’s EQ is a measure of their interpersonal and communication skills. EQ is an abbreviation for ‘emotional quotient’. Compare IQ. Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  onc. abbr. Exceptional Quality physiol. abbr. Encephalization Quotient physiol. abbr. Emotional Quality mil. abbr. Equipment mil. abbr. Equator mil. abbr. Enlisted Quarters ocean sc. abbr. Equator ocean sc. abbr. Earthquake meteo abbr. Equalize meteo abbr. Equator electron. abbr. Equalizer funny abbr. Elf Qualities u.m. abbr. Equal softw. abbr. Estimation-Quantization (type of coder) comp. assem. abbr. Equal sec. abbr. Estimation-Quantization (type of coder) educ. abbr. Emotional Quotient religion abbr. Ecumenical Quotient gen. bus. abbr. Entrepreneurial Quotient chat abbr. Enjoyment Quota ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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